Imagine this you are in a book shop when suddenly hell reigns down on earth and Zombies take over. The only thing is these Zombies can only be killed by an over hyped book...which one do you grab?
Me? I head straight for The Mortal Instruments section...
I do not see the appeal of theses books. The characters are bland and the plot is predictable and some of it even emotionally disturbing. Jace is the furthest thing from a dream boat I could ever possibly imagine, that is why I'd be using any of these book to beat a zombie to death. Maybe City of Heavenly Fire, that thing is skull crushing beast.
You just got the greatest haircut ever! Like seriously you look so good, but then it starts to rain. Which sequel do you use to shield your stylish new do?
This is honestly the most frustrating book in this series. America makes questionable decisions throughout but in the second book it's a doozy. Maxon spends so much time saying the competition is over and he will announce their engagement but as soon as she a little mean to him, he goes off and humps some other girl. This book is seriously a disaster and I would have no problem watching it's pages crinkle and break.
You are in English Class and the Teacher is droning on and on about ridiculous classic that you can't stand, what is that classic? Sorry Fee! It's got to be anything by Jane Austen.
Fee is gonna absolutely hate me for this but I cannot see the appeal of this woman. I find her novels fluffy and very very "shallow" is probably the best word for it. Sure I agree with themes of familial and romantic love but she lacks the depth of Bronte' within these relationships. I think Austen is one of those classics that is no longer relevant. She can be as great as she was back then but people no longer need to learn the lessons in her books as those lessons were fully constructed by her society and status at the time, therefore diminishing the amount of people who relate to it year after year.
You are in the library, everything is fine until BOOM! GLOBAL WARMING EXPLODED! or something! Suddenly you are freezing, you need to burn a book to stay alive, which series do you grab first.
I'm heading for anything written by Maria V Snyder. The way the woman writes drives me around the twist and I'm not partial to plots that favor coincidence and random unexplained talents. I literally got 100 pages into Poison Study before I wanted to beat my own brains out with it.
Now, you're a big comedian about to go on stage...but dammit you have gum in your mouth! Luckily you carry your entire bookcase around with you. Which books last page would you stick your gum in?
Sadly it has to be Beta, this book was so good and interesting throughout until that last 50 pages when everything suddenly turned into "lets add as much stupid rubbish as possible" ending. Seriously this ending I was sure was a joke, I can't see how anyone would think this ending was a good idea. It ruined the entire book.
So those are my Book Sacrifices. Face it, we all know we have books we can't stand. So what are yours? Share your sacrifices or reccomend me a tag. Or just chime in!