Friday, 16 May 2014


TBR Jar.

If you follow Booktube or a seasoned member of the Word Nerd World then you've probably already heard of the TBR Jar. That's the "To Be Read" Jar if you aren't. The TBR Jar is a godsend. So many times I've had no idea what to read and my TBR shelf just becomes cluttered. The TBR Jar fixes that, but how?

You see that's the catch...the TBR Jar comes with rules.

This is my TBR Jar.
I took a jar I already had lying around the house, wrote down the names of every book I owned but hadn't read and sealed them inside.

Now once a month atleast I take a strip from the Jar.

I allow myself the opportunity to swap to another slip once, but then if I pick that book out again another time and still don't want to read it, I pass the book along to someone who will.

Every time I buy a new book I don't read within a week, it goes straight into the jar. 

I've had my jar for about 3 months now and I have already made considerable progress. Although saying that the jar is responisble fr getting me into series I'd never bothered to read, so naturally I have more books on my shelf. But the jar has also helped me de-clutter my shelves. I'm finally letting go of the books that lets face it, I never should have bought because I'm never going to read them.

Life is too short to read books you just aren't into.

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