Saturday, 18 June 2016

The Liebster Award

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The lovely Zoë at My Bookish Wonderland has nominated me for The Liebster Award.

The whole idea of the award is to discover new blogs and already I have discovered three.

The rules for this award are as follows:

1. Acknowledge the blog that nominated you and display the award.
2. Answer the 11 questions that the blog gives you.
3. Give 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 5-11 blogs that you think are deserving of the award that have less than 200 followers.
5. Let the blogs know you have nominated them.
6. Give them 11 questions to answer.

This is really good news for me because I never know where to look for a new book blog. You can follow the chain, go see Zoe, see who she nominated, see who nominated her and so on and so forth until your email is simply brimming with fine blogs. So thank you Zoë!

These are the questions I was given.

1. What's your favourite genre?

This is a hard question because it changes. Right now I'm loving some YA and NA Fantasy, but I also love some Contemporary YA.  I like variety, I've never been took picky about Genre as long as it's good but YA does seem to cover my shelves more than anything else.

2. Do you listen to music while reading?

I couldn't personally pay attention if I was listening to music. I do when I write and some authors create playlists on Spotify that I listen to as a reread passages. Sarah J Maas is great for those, even in her newsletter she tells you which section goes with which music and I love seeing how the beats fall, but only in a reread.

3. Are you good at predicting plot twists?

I like to think I am, but I am also one of those terrible people who reads the last few pages before I start. Something about not knowing exactly where I'm headed freaks me out a little bit and I don't think I get too spoiled from the last couple pages. I like a good surprise as well so I don't often make predictions.

4. Do you want to write a book yourself one day?

Yes, yes I do. This year I have got a degree in Creative Writing and made way through two books I wish to eventually publish. One is a collection of feminist short stories and the other is the first in a fantasy series. I plan to have the first draft down by the end of this year and then leave it as a write the first draft of a contemporary that just screaming at me to be written. I'll get there eventually. I'm working on it.

5. Do you like going to libraries and borrow books there?

I think libraries are a great resource, my mother is a librarian and I borrowed Asking For It by Louise O'niell from the library today. I used it more when I was younger because I couldn't afford all the books I wanted to read. I think libraries are great, especially if you just want to try a book on for size.

6. What do you do when someone loans a book of yours and brings it back in bad condition?

I don't lend out my books and if I do, it's to someone who I know will take care of it. They ruin it, they buy me a knew one. The signed ones stay with me.

7. Who is your favourite character (doesn't have to be from a book)

I have to say Celaena Sardothien from Throne of Glass, Manon is a close second but I just relate to Celaena in such a crazy way. She is one of the only characters I know who loves herself but also hates her very being. She is so complex and I just love reading her. Seeing her strength gives me strength in return. She is as much in my heart as Harry Potter or Katniss.

8. How many books are on your TBR list?

I lost count about five years ago, now I consider my thoughts on buying books to be that of Alaska from Looking for Alaska. I always have something to read, way too much in fact - like a bookcase worth.

9. How many books would you like to read this year?

Every year I aim for 100 books. The past two years have been difficult with my degree and work so I have fall dismally short. I will still aim fro 100 but likely I'll get maybe 50 if my reading picks up now I'm finished with University. Next year 100 for sure!

10. When in the day do you read the most? 

I read the most at night before bed. I think most adults who struggle to find time can always put an hour away before bed, but a sunny afternoon in a garden can be pretty productive too. 

11. If you could meet any author who would it be and what would you ask him/her?

I have met a few authors before, Sarah J Maas, Maggie Stiefvater, Patrick Ness, but I always tend to be a little bit nervous and awkward. Sadly I have never met J K Rowling. I always wanted too and almost did but she didn't want anyone talking about Harry Potter or wearing merchandise or brining to books so it seemed a little pointless. I hope I do get to meet her one day and I'd ask about the museum in Edinburgh. If you've been there you'll know what I mean. Coincidence? I think not.

Now for 11 facts about me, I guess:

1. I have a deep seeded hatred for slugs and onions and dolphins.
2. I am allergic to wasps.
3. I always read the acknowledgments when I start a book, (Sometimes they are super romantic).
4. My favourite holiday is Halloween, because DUH! COSTUMES!
5. I am incredibly well travelled for someone my age.
6. I'm twenty two.
7. I own some impressive and beautiful notebooks I haven't written in...yet.
8. I hate the smell of lilies.
9. If I could live off doughnuts, I would.
10. I can remember quotes terrifyingly fast.
11. I judge a book by it's cover.

I nominate:

The Review Diaries
Boats Against The Current (Love your Sarah J Maas posts! Book blogger Cliche's all the way!)
YA Bookaholic
The Book Nerd In Me
Caterfee Reviews! Sup Girl!

These are all top notch blogs I personally love and I think you will too.

My 11 Questions to you guys are:

1. What sparked your passion for reading?
2. What is your favourite reading spot?
3. What is your favourite cover art ever?
4. How do you deal with your TBR shelf?
5. Best book you read in the past year? (No rereads)
6. Who is your favourite booktuber?
7. First book you ever read?
8. What is your go to reading snack?
9. Why is reading important to you?
10. Where would you be without reading?
11. What is your favourite thing about yourself? (Not book related but still important to know).

So answer the questions, tag me in the post and think of your 11 facts because you guys are next.

I hope you keep this chain moving and I look forward to reading your posts.

Happy Reading!


A Court of Mist and Fury By Sarah J Maas

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Warning: Spoilers! (duh.)

Feyre is immortal.

After rescuing her lover Tamlin from a wicked Faerie Queen, she returns to the Spring Court possessing the powers of the High Fae. But Feyre cannot forget the terrible deeds she performed to save Tamlin's people - nor the bargain she made with Rhysand, High Lord of the feared Night Court.

As Feyre is drawn ever deeper into Rhysand's dark web of politics and passion, war is looming and an evil far greater than any queen threatens to destroy everything Feyre has fought for. She must confront her past, embrace her gifts and decide her fate.

She must surrender her heart to heal a world torn in two
Image from staybookish
A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas
Published May 3rd 2016 by Bloomsbury Childrens Books
Paperback 624 pages

We join our heroine Feyre (Fay-RUH) once again in Prythian, where we left off in the first book A Court of Thorns and Roses. I gave the first book in the series a pitiful 3.5 stars. This doesn't seem too pitiful but I hold Maas to a much higher standard. When I read the first book I couldn't connect with  the characters or the plot.

However, A Court of Mist and Fury is a gamechanger!

I have always loved Throne of Glass, it has been my ultimate pick whenever people ask me for book reccomendations. Maas has just beat herself to my favourite book series, she now holds the top two spots, which is pretty impressive.

Feyre defeated Amarantha in the last book, died and was brought back to life as a Fae. A Court of Mist and Fury shows the fallout from this beautifully. Feyre is not only emotionally changed, she is more fearful at first, suffering nightmares and just a downright wreck. She loses a lot of weight and under the pressure of Tamlin's overprotective gaze she is in a very, very bad place. She has these growing powers, accidentally passed on through the high Fae who brought her back to life and within the first 100 pages, all of this comes to a fantastic climax. The bond with Rhysand is immediately a key factor, she calls to him on her wedding day and flees, leaving Tamlin in the lurch.

Fans of the first book will be upset if they started with a Tamlin/Feyre ship, though I don't know many who did. Honestly Tamlin turning into a controlling and arguably abusive boyfriend was the best thing that could have happened to Feyre. I didn't find him particularly endearing in the first book and I'm glad to be rid of him. Rhysand shows up and frees our heroine from Tamlin's clutches, for a time. As the deal permits, he begins taking her for a week every month and honestly, I see the appeal of Rhysand. He reminds me of Tom Hiddleston's Loki, only fitter, way fitter.

Eventually life with Tamlin gets too much and Feyre ends up at Rhysand's side. We've been waiting for it and we love. Here we begin a labyrinth of beautifully entwined stories, a love story that feels worthy of a Sarah J Maas novel and a supporting cast that is mind blowing. We see the world from the night court, learn about the intricities of actually running a court and of Rhysand himself. This is not some measly romantic story. This a grand love story with a background in supernatural political warzone. It's stunning just stunning.

There are these moments, when Feyre is alone and the way it is written is stunning. She looks at the stars and they start falling to the earth and I fall in love with Feyre, I fall in love with all of them in the way she does and I fall in with Rhysand. This love story is so beautiful because you fall in love with these characters, it takes the story to a new level.

We have this looming threat of war in the background. Hybern is readying for war and the night court are the doing the same in secret, they need to destroy the cauldron and defeat Hybern before they break the barrier to the human world and massacre everyone. This is the largest part of the plot and it takes most of the time. Our love story moves with it, almost until they inseperable and it comes to a fantastic climax when Tamlin is working with Hybern to kidnap Feyre or reclaim him property as he sees it.

I know rught, what a fucking ARSEHOLE! I HATE TAMLIN, I HATE HIM. I hope he dies next book I am so ready for it. It causes so much pain. I knew when he showed up there wasn't enough pages left for good things to happen. Feyre pretends not to love Rhysand, demands the King severe the mating bond between them (yeah that happened) and her sisters become Fae and one of them mates with Lucien! AHHHH! It ends with Feyre in the midst of spring court again, pretending to love Tamlin, pretending she was a prisoner with Rhysand. Even though they already got married and YOU CAN'T BREAK A MATING BOND BRO!


It was all very exciting and I can't believe I have to wait a year for the concluding novel.

It is worth mentionging that though ACOTAR is a YA book, ACOMAF is not. A Court of Mist and Fury is a new adult because there are a lot of sex scenes. Normally I have a lot of distaste for scenes like this, they can be crude and not sexy at all. Just see Fifty Shades of Grey is you don't believe me. They were hot, that's all I'm going to say. Hot.

It was great, it really was great and I would highly recommend it. I haven't been excited about a series properly in a while and this book cured my reading block. Love it. LOVE IT! Get it read.

If you do please do let me know what you thought.
Comment below.
Tag me in a blogpost.
Send me it in Morse code.
Whatever's convenient.

Thank you for your time and
Happy Reading!
