Saturday, 2 January 2016

A Year Without Reading: A TBR!

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There's nothing worse for a book lover than to get to the end of the year and realise you barely read anything. My Goodreads challenge is pitifully low and I wasn't even close to winning. NaNoWriMo was a bust and overall 2015 had been a suck-ish year in terms of reading for me.

This isn't from not wanting to but simply in the immortal words that writers love to condemn,


I'm a third year at University living and tidying my first house. I have to work to pay for said house and at the end of the day, when I drag my knackered bottom to bed, I don't stay up to read. Having a year in which I only read about 20 books (I know that still okay for some people, but one year I got 200 down! Damn I was on point) and I'm sort of freaked out by it and hope this won't be the beginning of a sad bookless life. I'm being dramatic, I've just been busy. Adulting is all about finding routine, once I get that down, I'll be good.

However in 2015, I did purchase a lot of books, and in order to urge myself to get them done, here is a TBR for 2016 of sorts. These are the books I will definitely get read this year, hopefully this month.

  • A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
  • Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
  • The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson (Started in 2015)
  • Throne of Glass 5 by Sarah J Maas
  • A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas
  • Stolen by Melissa De La Cruz and Michael Johnston
  • Let It Snow by John Green and More (I'll get it done one year, I swear)
These are just a few I'm hoping to read this year. To make up for my lackluster 2015, I'm also trying to read the books I've been neglecting, that I bought years ago and never read or finished. It's sad really, my TBR shelf is in need of a little TLC.

So how is your book year looking?
Did you rock in 2015? 
Let me know!

Happy Reading.
